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Meet your power animal.

Animal archetypes are a psychological view of power animals. Each of the power animals is an embodiment of a specific trait. They are guides to our human nature that give us the information we need on the way of our development. Power animals most often appear in dreams or we encounter them in our daily life in the form of living beings or images or signs. Each animal of power has some kind of extraordinary and at the same time a natural skill for him that we can learn.

It's worth getting to know and working with power animals to get strength and inspiration from them.

We can have no more than three power animals at any one time.

Sometimes, an animal leaves its ally, even if contact has been maintained. This may be due to the fact that the connection to the animal has served its purpose. At the same time, maybe herald that another power animal will appear. Spirit guides in the form of power animals most often enter human life when they are most needed or when their special spiritual power is needed.

Depending on the moment we are at, different power animals can help us achieve the desired goal. For example, if a person enters a leadership position, puma can become his power animal, helping to improve self-confidence and enhancing the characteristics of the leader.

In turn, if the same person undergoes some serious transformation process, it is his power animal that may be a snake or a butterfly.

How to know your power animal?

There are several ways, and each one requires a lot of attention from us.

1. Meditation combined with visualization - sit calmly in a more comfortable pose. Calm down and clear your mind. Now imagine that you are walking through the forest.

At some point, a clearing appears in front of you. Come out on top of it and ask your power animal to meet you. Now, calmly wait for something to appear. For encouragement, you might imagine there is a waterhole in the meadow. You must absolutely not impose a vision on the animal. It has to be a spontaneous and decisive manifestation, not a forced visit by an animal you just like. Such visualization is not always successful immediately. After all, they are wild animals and you need patience with them. Or maybe they are just checking you, if you have enough determination and honesty to make it worth visiting?

2. A power animal may show itself to us in a dream. Then it is best to state your intention before going to bed and ask for the animal to appear. It may not appear the first time.

You will have to try it several times. Speak the intention gently each time, if in your thoughts or intentions you feel compulsion or anger that the animal does not come, you may feel it

counterproductive - the animal will not show you at all.

3. Power animals appear with their directions and information everywhere. In company logos, on billboards or on T-shirts of passers-by. You see them every day. Some make something within you twitch and you follow the image of a given animal, you start to think about it, arousing specific feelings in yourself. Notice them so that you don't accidentally miss your power animal somewhere.

How to work with your power animals?

One of the most important things is to show respect, appreciation, and listening to the message that your guardian animal is bringing.

By regularly devoting our attention and energy in whatever form

to it, we energize and strengthen our contact. Power animal like it best when we unite with them.

and when they can experience their existence even for a moment in our body. In this way, they also provide us with a very large dose of power directly. One of the easiest

and the most effective way is to dance. It releases a lot of energy and allows the experience to be transferred outside the mind. Dancer imitating movements, behaviours and sounds of the animal, opens up and tunes to its power. This allows him to feel like this animal to some extent. In many cultures, animal masks and skins are used for dancing, while the dance itself is part of the ritual in which the song also has its place.

However, you don't have to learn any ritual dance right away or howl at home like a wolf. All you have to do is let them into your body once in a while. You will feel your hand is his paw

or a wing, and its presence will fill your entire body. We do that. It works!

The bond with your animal can also be consciously strengthened, e.g. by wearing jewellery with the image of a power animal, a tattoo, or by hanging his photos and paintings at home.

Get to know its nature and customs as well as ancient beliefs and legends associated with it. And all this to make the best use of his gifts.

You can also imagine them and talk to them. If there is a problem, ask a question and ask for help. If we are focused enough, the answer will surely come.

Power animals have both positive and negative traits.

If we cooperate with an animal, we respect it, it will help us, protect and teach us good qualities. If we ignore them and do not cooperate with him and give him due respect, his negative qualities they can be manifested in our behaviour.

If our animal of power is an eagle, it will teach us to perceive the world from a higher and wider perspective, show our potential, call us to follow the strength of the heart, so that we can find and live our destiny.

The dark side of the eagle that can reveal itself if we do not work with it is: the need to stand out, be something better, haughtiness and arrogance, and the selfish struggle for power.

We encourage you to get to know your power animal because it will help you to understand what you still need to work on and what qualities are strong in you, so do not wait and start your journey with power animals. :)

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